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4 Blood in urine…what now? Back

You just had blood in urine! The first thing you should do after reading this text and before getting panicked is to visit your urologist. It is important for the urologist to know whether you are under Aspirin, Warfarin or any other anticoagulant treatment. If possible stop taking Aspirin and Warfarin and if indicated have instead a low molecular weight Heparin injection.

The urologist will have to exclude a big blood thrombus inside your bladder, usually assisted by an ultrasound device. The urologist may have to insert a catheter through your urethra, so that urine and blood can be evacuated and so that it can not come to thrombus formation. After the stabilisation of the bleeding, the urologist will have to search for the possible causes

A variety of situations could lead to blood in urine. Stones, infections, a very big prostate or a tumor of the kidney or the bladder could be the cause.

Most of the times, the urologist will perform a cystoscopy (look inside the bladder with an optic through the urethra) as long as the urine is clear again. Another examination, called intravenous pyelography may have to be performed. After the injection of contrast agent through a vein, a series of x-rays will have to be performed in order to depict your kidneys and ureters. Through these 2 important examinations the urologists gains a lot of information and may be able to reach a diagnosis. If not, he will be able to proceed to other more specific examination.

A tip for you! Very few blood drops, are able to dye more than one liter of urine and make it look dark red. Do not be afraid that you will be drained of your blood, even if it looks like that sometimes. On the other side you are not allowed to lose time and you need to visit your urologist as soon as possible.
